The Spiritist
Psychological Society

The Society
The Spiritist Psychological Society, is a non-profit organization, founded on 18th April 2004. The Society is registered with the Charity Commission under the No.1137238 and Companies House No. 07280490. The purpose is to study, disseminate and practice the Spiritist Teachings, as codified by Allan Kardec, considering its triple aspect (science, philosophy and religion), serving Humanity.
Our aim is to put the essence of Jesus Gospel into practice and disseminate the teachings of the Enlightened Spirits, as contained in the Codification. Our Society is particularly devoted to study Spiritism, including its psychological application in daily life, following the maxim: “Love one another and educate yourselves.”
At present, our English studies are held on the first Wednesday of each month, from 06.00pm to 07.00pm, online only:
Live Broadcast:
The Creighton Centre
378 Lillie Road
Phone: 07784 840671
